Top 4 Things Ecopreneurs Should Make a Priority in Their Business


As a business owner, you have a lot on your plate. 

Are you feeling overwhelmed with everything you need to do? 

Are you feeling lost about how to grow your business?

Are you having trouble figuring out what your priorities should be?

Do you make a to-do list, but have no idea what order they should be in?

Regardless of what stage your business is at right now, there are few things that should absolutely be on the top of your to-do list in order to get your business on the right track to grow. These things are ways to invest in your business and get a solid return on that investment. 

So don’t worry about anything else right now. These are the top things that you, as an ecopreneur, need to focus on in your business. 

Benefits of investing in your business

When you want to grow your business, it can be hard to figure out how to go about doing it. You hear a lot of talk about investing in your business, but money is tight – especially when you’re first starting out. So the anxiety sets in, you look at various books, courses, and coaches, and completely freeze on making a decision. 

You get locked into a “lack” mindset of feeling like you’re not making enough money to invest in your business. That once you get to where you want to be, then you’ll invest in your business. 

And then your business gets nowhere. 

Investing in your business is important. It gets you where you need to be faster than if you were doing it all by yourself. And guess what? Investing in your business doesn’t have to be shelling out tons of money for a course or a bunch of books that you’re not sure you’ll get anything out of. Investing in your business can look like hiring people to help take things off of your plate. 

There are several benefits of investing in your business, here are just a few: 

  • Learning New Things – you’ll learn about things you hadn’t even thought of before that make an impact on your business. Like the nitty-gritty of SEO, how social media algorithms work, or even how mindset is everything when it comes to running your business. 

  • Saving Time – when you hire someone to be part of your team, you save hours in your day. That’s great for your mental and physical health, gives you a better work-life balance, and gives you brain space for everything that is normally put on the backburner. 

  • Confidence – knowing more about your business and having it work in a more streamlined, goal-oriented way will give you confidence that you know what you’re doing as a business owner, and know that you’re not wasting time or money. 

What Eco-Friendly Business Owners Should Focus on in Their Businesses

Here are the top four things you should focus on as an ecopreneur. These are investment opportunities for some big success in your business, whether it’s a small business or a big business. 


This is at the top of the list of priorities you should focus on in your business. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Your business needs a website and you need to make sure that Google knows about your website. The best way to do this is by optimizing it for search engines. 

Here’s a simple explanation of SEO – think about anything and everything you type into google. Whether it’s “vegan leather handbags” or “symptoms of chronic stress”, the results that pop up are based on your search. What you typed into Google were keywords and already-optimized websites have those same keywords on their website. Because of this, Google knows that when someone searches “vegan leather handbags”, that it should pull up that specific website in the results because it’ll provide the answer that the searcher is looking for. 

Without focusing on SEO, you’ll never increase your website ranking – which means that when people are Googling for things that relate to your business, you probably won’t come up in the results and no one will find you. SEO works over the long-term and doesn’t cost anything – which means you should definitely make it a priority over social media ads. 

Regular Blog Posts 

Blog posts go hand in hand with SEO. Google likes websites that are updated regularly. To continue to increase your rank, pair SEO with weekly blog posts. With each blog, you have a chance to explore a new topic and rank for other keywords that your customers may be searching for. 

Blogs also work for themselves. You don’t need to spend daily money on them and constantly check in to see how they’re performing. You post once and let them do the rest. Regularly updating your blog once a week will build your rank and website authority (you’ll start to come up sooner in search results) exponentially over time. 

Email Marketing 

This is another priority that people tend to skip over. Email is a powerful tool. So you shouldn’t skip it. Create a cool freebie that’ll entice people to sign up, and then set up a welcome sequence of emails to get your new customers familiar with who you are and what your business is. This gives you an advantage because you’re connecting with potential customers while they’re already interested in you. Don’t let that opportunity go to waste! 

An email list also keeps people in the loop. You can give loyal customers and clients early discounts, get their feedback, and more! It doesn’t have to be complicated either. Unlike blogs, you don’t have to be a religious once-a-week-er. A couple times a month is enough to keep you top of mind without people complaining about you showing up too often in their inbox. 

Hiring a Copywriter 

This is one of the best pieces of advice I can give you – hire a copywriter. It’ll make everything else in this list a lot easier. Copywriters already know about SEO, blogging, email marketing, social media, and more. So if you’re pressed for time and already feeling overwhelmed by learning about the topics above, invest in your business by bringing a copywriter onto your team. 

Copywriters are there to get your ideas and brand into words that’ll connect with your customers so you can bring more of them into your community, make more sales, and grow your business. Copywriters are one of the best investments you can make for your eco-friendly business. 

They give you those hours back in your day, lessen your overwhelm, keep you sane, and help give you a great return on your investment. 

Investing in Your Business is the First Step to Success 

Investing in your business is always worth the time or money. 

These are investment opportunities for your eco-friendly business. Whether it’s an investment of your own time or your money to have someone else handle it, these are the investments that you, as a business owner, should focus on first because you’ll get the best return on investment. 

Investing in your business is important because it makes it a lot easier to grow without needing to burn yourself out. 

These are the top four priorities for ecopreneurs like you to focus on so you don’t need to search through a laundry list of things everyone tells you to do and get lost in all of them. Get out a fresh piece of paper, write down these four and get ready to work in a more focused, less overwhelming way. 

Want to cross a few things off the list at once? Start with hiring a copywriter. Book a free 15-minute discovery call with me


How to Write Amazing Headlines to Grow Your Eco-Friendly Business